Flips — an app with cards
that helps facilitate
communication, find ideas
and understand yourself
Facilitate, communicate, interact with others through Flip — an internal source of cherry-picked questions triggers to liven up any social context or life situation.

The rules are simple: just introduce your friend, partner, colleague to Flips App, pick a topic and start flipping — the Flip will do the rest, breaking your first-date ice, smoothening hard talks and guiding you through a self-explorative journey.
Your easy-going communication assistant
Get the best from the endless magic card 
of infinite questions
Dive into any topic of your interest
Get even closer with your loved ones, understand them and break the ice
Rediscover your own self
get flips!
get flips!
Our Clients Love Us
The dare game
Flip cards that help
Parent conversation
Friend or foe
Self-talk questions
Sexy time triggers
Small talk ice breakers